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2025 Education Presentations

Shelly Temple Driven Dressage Clinic and Lessons


​The Aiken Driving Club is pleased to welcome Shelly Temple back to the area for an educational clinic and private lessons.  Shelly is an ADS R judge, FEI judge, and master teacher.  On the morning of Feb 5th 2025, she will share what judges are looking for when judging the different levels of dressage at a show. Selected turnouts will demonstrate what judges look for based on the training scale.  The clinic will be held at the WWOW driving arena on 327 Pine Acres Rd. Windsor, SC (Bevan farm). Bring your own chair.


Feb 5th Educational Session to be held at Richard Coopers 1030 Curb Chain Ln, Windsor 


The afternoon of February 5th, and mornings and afternoons of 6th and 7th, Shelly will give 50 minute lessons to club members. The registration fee is $120 per lesson. Lessons will be held in the same arena and auditors are welcome. Just bring your own chair for a ring-side seat. Shelly is a very good teacher and can help drivers at all levels improve to reach their goals.  


To ensure everyone has an equal opportunity for a lesson, reservations are on a first-come, first served basis. Only 1 lesson spot will be reserved per person until January 15.  If all lesson spots are not filled by then, a second lesson may be reserved based on when your entry was received. If you would like a second lesson, check the “second lesson” box.


To reserve your lesson, complete the information below and send it with the lesson fee (cash or check made out to Aiken Driving Club) c/o Debbie Bevan 327 Pine Acres Rd. Windsor SC  29856.


You may also drop off an envelope with your completed form and fee in the secure 327 mailbox next to the driveway entrance. Reservations will be accepted starting Dec. 1 and will not be taken via text or email. Lesson fees must accompany your registration form.


Any questions about this clinic and lessons may be directed to Debbie at:






Aiken Driving Club, P.O.Box271, Aiken, SC 29802

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